Friday, December 5, 2008

Spud analyzes dock diving

Hi everyonne. I is sallys litle bruthr spud. I is not bery litle any more. My mama and daddy says i am a grown up boy now, but sally still treets me like a litle boy. but i does not care becus i like her to play wif me. sally and me have lots and lots of fun togethr.

what i want to writ about tooday is how i have begun to jump bettr than sally. now i am jumping over 20 feet almost all the time. sally still jumps 18, 19 and maybe 20 feet.

at first i felt bad because i thougt it was making sally sad or mad. and i luv her too much to hurt her feeligns.

but then sally talkd too me. she said she was proud of her litle bruthr. she reely wants me to become a big jumper in dock dogs. Isn't sally a gud big sister!

I don't no how i am such a big jumper. I just is. I sit in my crate until it is my turn. i just watch everybody or i even sleep sumtims.

Then my dad takes me out when it is my turn on the dock. we just wait in line to jump.

Then when the anouncer guy sez, "Bill Akin and Spud," my dad and me go up on the dock and he tells me to "Sit, Spud. Stay." And I do that.

I want that flappy or duck or wubba very very bad. but i just sit there like my dad sez to.

then my dad walks to the end of the dock and sez, "Git it boy!" and i take off runing reel fast.

Then he throws the toy out over the water and i jumps as far as i can for that toy. Sumtims it feel like i is flying!

My mom and dad sez i jump farther than sally becuz i is bigger and stronger. maybe so. but it makes me bery bery happy that sally is proud of me.

i is bery proud of her too speshully her speed retrieve. but most of all i is happy and thankful that she tout me how to dock dive.

(by the way, today is my dads birthday. Happy Birthday, DADDY!)

Spud (filling for Sally)
The Ice in Team Fire and Ice
Dixie Dock Dogs
Dixie Dock Dogs video

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This looks like tons of fun! I want to try this with my lab. I think Dixie Dock Dogs is the only club in the Georgia/Tennessee area, right?