1) We are going to the Nationals this year! Yipppeeee! The Nationals are in October in Ohio.
and....here's the really good one....
2) My mom and I are participating in the DOCKDOGS JUMP-A-THON at the Nationals! Now, how cool is that. What is a jump-a-thon you ask? It's a way we are going to raise money to fight canine cancer. We are asking for pledges for so much per inch of my longest jump at the Nationals.
For example, if I jump 15 feet, that would equal 180 inches. And if you pledge $.10 per inch, then your donation would be $18.00. Get it?
Now, here's the really, really good part. ALL of the donations go to the charity "Chase Away Canine Cancer." I'm sure all of you Team 3 Dawg Flite fans have either lost a dog to cancer or know someone who has. Our family tragically lost our Basset Hound, Lucy, to bone cancer last year. I know cancer is high on the list of the cause of deaths of Labrador Retrievers, and I want to beat this terrible disease. Please help me do this!
How can you help? I'm glad you asked. Go to this link to make your pledge. To help you decide how much to pledge, let me tell you that my current average jump is 18'8" which is 224 inches. So, I should jump somewhere around that...hopefully longer!
Fans, I'm really, really, REALLY wanting to raise a lot of money for this cause. This is extremely important to both my mom and me. So, consider it carefully, and if you can pledge any amount....anything at all, no matter how small (or large!), please help us.

Thanks on behalf of all the dogs out there who have...or have had...or will have cancer.
Oh yeah, I almost forgot. Please let me thank you in advance for any pledge you might make. When my mom looks at the list of "pledgers," most of the time she doesn't recognize the names, so she can't personally thank them. So, if she doesn't recognize your name, please consider this our offer of gratitude for helping us out with this cause.
Sally, the Captain of Team 3 Dawg Flite
Proud member of Dixie Dock Dogs
Help me fight canine cancer!
Aww~ How sweet of you guys ! I will love to help those canine cancer, but I am not a dock dog, but still there is a way afterall :D
Lots of drool,
Four Musketeers
Sally, you know you can count on me! The pledge has already been made. And thank you for helping with this cause. My brother lost his dog (mixed breed rescue) to cancer back in January, so this pledge is in memory of Shiloh. Now, Sally, I want to see a big jump from you at the national dock diving!
That's really cool, Sally-you using your talents to help fight canine cancer. Just goes to show that even though you are a Dock Diving Superstar, you are not a Dock Diving Diva!!
Mom said she would help me out so we already went and made our pledge.
Woofs and donated slobbers,
I will most definitely make a pledge =)
Well done for all your great efforts to raise money for canine cancer.
The jump-a-thon is such a great idea.
Martha & Bailey xx
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