Well, like I promised, I'd like you to meet my brother, Spud. He's a 1-year-old yellow lab and a very good-looking boy! We got Spud last January from my breeder,
Sumo Labradors. My mom called my breeder, Patty, and told her they wanted another lab. But this time, they did not want a little puppy. She asked Patty if she had an older lab. Patty said, "You bet. I've got just the dog for you." And that dog turned out to be Spud!

At first I didn't like Spud very much. For about three days, I pouted and wouldn't play with him or even play with my mom and dad. I did not like that big yellow thing being in my home! But soon I realized that my mom and dad still loved me just as much and that Spud was actually fun to play with. Besides, I could boss him around!

pud is very different from me. I'm all business, very intense about everything I do whether going for a walk or retrieving, or even just playing in the yard. Spud, on the other hand, is so mellow and laid-back. I don't even think that boy knows the meaning of the word "intense." My mom and dad are always saying how sweet and loving he is. That's true. Spud has the kind of face that just melts people's hearts. My mom is going to have him certified to be what she calls a Therapy Dog. I'm sure Spud will do quite well!!
My brother didn't like dock diving at first. As a matter of fact, he would sleep through all of my practices and even slept through one of my events one time. He had no interest at all. Here is a short video of my mom and dad trying to get him interested. You can see, he only wanted to run around and play.

But then, all of a sudden, one day Spud began acting like he wanted to go up on the dock. Then he wanted to jump in the water. And now he dock dives....just like me! As a matter of fact, he's gotten so good that he is jumping as far as me at times.

Here's a photo of my dad and Spud at his first event. He won a medal for participation. Doesn't he look handsome!!!
And here's another video of him jumping at a practice recently. (There's a little of me also!)
You can see how he's improved! As a matter of fact, at a recent event in Columbus, Georgia, Spud set a new personal best of 17'10" which is only 3 feet less than my personal best!! He also got his Senior Title. That's quite amazing, considering the fact that only 5 months ago, he was sleeping through all of my practices and events!
Here are some photos of Spud dock diving. This one was at the Nashville event.
These photos were from the Columbus, Georgia event. I especially like the first one. Spud has such a goofy smile on his face as he's going off the dock.

And here are a couple of photos of Spud at practice.

And here are a couple of my favorite photos of me and my brother, Spud!

So...now you know Spud, the Ice of Team Fire and Ice. He's a good boy and a great little brother. I think I'll keep him!
See you on the dock,
Sally, the
Team Fire and Ice