Saturday, September 5, 2009

The Throwdown is over. Photos included!

Our dock diving club’s first event is over. Dixie Dock Dogs did a great job presenting The Fishing Creek Outfitters Throwdown. I was very proud of all the dogs…well, and humans too…who work so hard to make it so successful.

We had 186 registrations and probably over 200 people who attended to watch. But you want to know the very, very best part of the weekend?

We raised over $1400.00 for our charity,

Chase Away Canine Cancer!!

It was awesome!!

The first day, Friday, it rained. Okay, let’s not call it rain. Let’s call it a little hurricane! My mom had our crates set up in the admin tent because that’s where she spent most of her time. (You know, bossing people around and answering all kinds of questions.) That’s where they had all kinds of cool stuff like the computer, printer, stacks of papers, and best of all…the boxes of RIBBONS!

Well, it started to rain a little, so everyone put a couple of sides up on the admin tent to keep everything dry. Good idea, wouldn’t you think. Not exactly.

All of a sudden, it came up a big gusty wind. I yelled and barked, “Spud reach your big long leg out there and hold down our stuff.” He tried, but those tent sides just acted like sails. I barked and barked for everyone to grab something. GRAB ME and my crate!! Don’t let me blow away!

The rain was blowing right in through the sides, but the humans couldn’t cover up our stuff. They were all wrapped around the tent poles holding down the tent.


“Let me out,” I barked. “I’ll cover the stuff while you hold down the tent. Let me out.” But they never heard me. By the time it was over, everything was drenched…the computer, printer, ribbons, papers. It was a mess.

Everyone pulled together, however, and dried everything out and, well…on with the show!

See what big crowds we had. (Well, big crowds on Saturday and Sunday. The rain on Friday hurt the crowd that day.)

crowd 06crowd 02crowd 03crowd 01

Doesn’t it look like FUN!!

Here are some photos of me and Spud. I’ll have more when we get the photo CD from the photographer. (My dad didn’t take pictures because he was so busy working at the event.) I’ll also have a video soon.


But here’s the best picture of all. Our ribbons! Spud took 1st place in the Finals for his division. Believe it or not, that is the very first 1st place either of has ever gotten in the Finals.

I got 2nd place in my division. And see Hoppy’s ribbon? That’s his “Good Sport” ribbon because, once again, he didn’t jump. But he got a ribbon anyway.


We really had a blast, both participating in the Throwdown and also being the host for it. I loved seeing all the new dogs come out and participate. I’ve got a lot of competition down in Middle Georgia!

I heard my mom and dad talking last night and guess what! They are already planning the next event. YEE-HAW!!!!

See you on the dock,

Sally, the Captain of Team 3 Dawg Flite

Proud member of Dixie Dock Dogs


PTdogger said...

Awsome! great photos sally. when are you going to come over my way so i can some see you and spud jump.

Dughallmor Beagles said...

You guys are so awesome! You know, it's weird, we were thinking of you just yesterday.....someone posted a link to a dock diving video on FB and we wondered if you were there:
Sally, we LOVE that photo of you in flight and your ribbons are beautiful, well done!
Slobbers xx

Chester said...

Hi Sally! I am catching up on everybody's blogs and finally got to read about the crazy knife wielding old lady.UNBELIEVABLE! how rude some folks can be. I hope she doesn't show up again. Like you all hadn't scared all the fish away anyway!
Now to the more important stuff-I'm amazed at how much $$$ you raised! Give your 2 leggers lots of slobbery kisses for a job well done. I hope the computer survives but it's cool that the show went on despite the hurricane. Real troopers-all of you! LOVE the pictures. You and Spud got some really big ribbons and how cool that Hoppy got one for bein' a good sport. You are all a cool bunch of canines. Good to hear from you again!
Chester ;0=)

*Mom wants me to say thanks for tellin' her she did good on our video. She knows you're an expert an it made her feel good you liked our first video ever.

Martha said...

Wow - wonderful photos and well done for raising so much money for canine cancer!
You guys did a terrific job!
We just loved the pics of you all with the ribbons - especially Hoppy!
It's the taking part that counts....
One day Hoppy will jump - we are proud of you Hoppy for just being Hoppy!
We look forward to the video as we love seeing you in action!
We have missed you.
love and kisses
Martha & Bailey xxxx

Anonymous said...

Those are some great photos! It looks like you are flying. Watch out for the planes, Sally. I know your mom and dad are pleased with all the money you raised for the K9 cancer fund. You and your club are to be congratulated on your hard work. Keep it up, Team 3Dawg Flite!

Life With Dogs said...

I'd say you have done quite well this summer - and seeing that you are finishing well and raising money for a good cause? Icing on the cake.

Ajitesh said...
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Ajitesh said...

Hi there!

Since you have such amazing and healthy dogs... I thought I would discuss my problem with you... hope it is not much of a problem for you -

Rambo, my black Labrador is now 4.5 months old and is 19 Kgs in weight. On this trip to the vet for regular checkup... the doctor noted that Rambo has relatively weaker front legs. Instead of being completely straight they are slightly bent just above the paws... the way your finger would be if you press it against the table top.
Though the vet says it is not much of an issue and has prescribed daily dose multi vitamins and increase in the quantity of calcium powder... I am really worried about my little darling... I would like to know the exact reasons for this thing to happen... also how bad could this be? And what other cures are suggested for problem.
Also note that now we have cut the feeding to 3 times a day from 4 times (as prescribed by the vet)


Team 4 Dawg Flite said...

I am by no means an authority on health in animals. You need to consult your vet or an orthopedic vet. Good luck.