Monday, June 1, 2009

I’m on strike

You will never….in a million years….believe what my dad has done to me. No, really. Try and guess.

Let Hoppy eat out of my bowl? Nope.

Bring a cat home? Nope.

Give treats to Spud and Hoppy, but not me? Nope.

Forget my birthday? Nope.

Give up?

He went on a trip to a dock diving event up in Ohio this weekend and took only Spud. Not me. Not my mom. Not Hoppy. Not ME. But just Spud. I heard them talking about this earlier, but I never figured he go and do something like this.

I can hear all you 3 Dawg Flite fans out there asking, “WHY?”

Well, as you know, my mom is a wedding and event videographer, and she had two weddings this weekend. So she couldn’t go. As a matter of fact, that’s why I haven’t posted very much this past week. My mom has been busy, busy, busy which means she hogs the computer.

And I’m…well, how shall I put this? Let’s just say that I’m “spirited” and my dad sometimes has a hard time handling me. He does okay with one dog, but trying to handle more than one…especially if one is me…is a little tough for him.

So, what did we do? Well, this was my mom’s schedule this weekend:

Friday: Leave for wedding at 11:00. Get back home at midnight.

Saturday: Leave for wedding at 1:00. Get back home at 1:30 a.m.

As you can see, there was just no time for Hoppy and me. So we went to Pawtropolis, our doggie daycare, all weekend. Yep, we had one big spend-the-night party over there.

It was a blast!!! We went rollerblading. Okay, we didn’t actually rollerblade ourselves. The staff member rollerbladed, and we ran along with them.

Hoppy went for a hike. I retrieved outside in their dog park.

We got Frosty Paws for a bedtime snack.

But the best part? They had the pool open all weekend. I stayed in that water until they thought I was going to shrivel up. It’s not a big adult-size pool, but a small in-ground doggie-size pool. Here are some pics of me and my friends having fun in the Pawtropolis pool.


060405barkhoppypool08sally pool ballspud pool

So, all is well. I had a blast, and so did Hoppy. Okay, okay…not as much fun as dock diving, but darn close.

I am, however, still really, really, REALLY mad because my dad went off without me. So I am definitely going on strike. Just exactly what I’m striking, I have no idea. But I’ll think of something.

And my dad and Spud? They should be home tomorrow, and I’ll post about how Spud did. (If I can get my mom off the computer long enough!)

See you on the dock,

Sally, the Captain of Team 3 Dawg Flite

Proud member of Dixie Dock Dogs


Chester said...

Spirited? Heh, heh. Mom knows EXACTLY what you're talkin' about there-even though that's not usually the same word she uses. I like it though, think I'll borrow it, if you don't mind.
Glad you had a good time at Pawtropolis-looks like a great diversion from D-Diving. I'm sure Spud missed his #1 coach but I hope he did great anyway.
I know you're Mom is busy so just tell her we all miss her but know she will be back when she gets some free time.
Take care of your pack, Sally, they need your wisdom and knowledge.

Anonymous said...

How nice of your mom to take you for your sleepover at daycare. Looks like you and Hoppy had a great time. Can't wait to hear how Spud did.

Martha said...

Hi Sally
Thanks for visiting our 100th post and leaving such a lovely comment. We are sorry to hear you are going on strike cos it seemed like you had a blast!
Pawtropoolis sounds and looks wonderful and between you and us we think Spud will be jealous.
We hope Spud did well and we are sure you will be on the very next one.
Your mom sounds so busy and of course that is always difficult. Our mum reduced her work to part time when we came to live here but even that can be busy sometimes!
Your mom will make it up to you!
Martha & Bailey xxx

Mason Dixie said...

I did get to see Spud jump his last jump, unfortunately we did not go until Sunday and we missed all his jumps. We did stay and enjoy the events for the afternoon. Mom introduced herself to your dad and pet Spud. No pics though I think your dad was wanting to get back home. =)

Unknown said...

my dogs would be in heaven if the had half the life you and your pack have. great pictures of your pool play time.

Lindsay said...

Wow! Your daycare sounds like a little slice of heaven!! Bess would LOVE that sort of thing. Heffner doesn't care for lots of dogs milling around, so not so much. But wow, that looks so great! That's too bad that you guys couldn't go to the competition, but there's always the next one!:O)

Life With Dogs said...

Look at it this way - Spud will be tired and you'll be on fresh legs for the next gig!

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